Monday 11 July 2011

Un-motivated Monday!

Another busy weekend done and dusted! Phew! Yesterday I was dog tired but am feeling slightly better today, but instead of weariness I now feel aimless and fact 'less' in lots of respects! Maybe as a self employed person I identify myself so much with my work and career that without it I'm rather rudderless....that's a worrying thought!
The hafla on friday went very well...and happily very smoothly, although it felt as if it took a while for everyone to 'warm up' somehow. It may have been partly that it was a new venue (which everyone pretty much agreed was an improvement), but we had a few new people and troupes there who of course didn't know each other and my students either. But it doesn't take long for belly dancers to start in the end a good time was had by all. Our guest dancer Sayuri (Sarah) was fab and I had lots of awed comments about how good she was. I'm delighted to report that she was on fire (especially her SIX VEIL spinning routine!!), and I was pleased that I'd chosen a worthy guest performer for us! One interesting part of her saidi stick routine was that she was making lots of cheeky faces towards the wings and I assumed it was her students, but I was very amused to hear that the players from the resident bowls club (who had a match on that night) who were on their way to the shared dressing rooms were apparently standing in the wings gawping in amazed awe at the proceedings! If I'd found them I'd have charged them for watching!LOL! A very enjoyable night. Several pluses including that the new venue were extremely helpful in setting up lighting, staging, sound system and even assiting in getting tables and chairs out- and it cost half the price of the last venue!Win, win I'd say!
Then on Saturday memebers of Miramar performed at the Shakespeare Hospice fete - back to Stratford Recreation ground (the scene of a few performances recently!!), where we fought with veils in the wind. But otherwise an excellent performance from all the girls. This time we tried a different colour combination, wearing our all white and silver bras and skirts with coloured veils and belts...looked quite edible, like sweets or desserts, actually!  And finally on Sunday Shuvani performed at Chipping Norton fete. The first two dances went well in front of the main stage with  a decent audience, but our later busking spot was hard work as we were still within earshot of the main stage belting out amplified sound! Our little busking amp couldn't compete, but having  a smaller, more intimate audience seated out side a cafe seemed more fun. A couple of rather surreal moments too......having to dance on a quite severe sideways slope, and performing around moving cars and pedestrians! It's all a learning curve (or maybe more like an incline!!), and good experience for the girls. 
So I'm now sitting here trying to decide what to do next. There's of course always something to do but I'm feeling pretty un-motivated, so maybe I should just give in to it gracefully and go watch daytime TV and slob out.
Ta taaa for now!

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