Saturday 26 February 2011

Work and Cake

My half term break is almost over and I'm pleased to say that I have achieved some of the things I set out to! I've got the souk promo stuff underway, and have also got to grips with the BDSpec stuff...and I managed to finish Jackie's bra and almost finished mine! We had a 3 troupe rehearsal last night which went really well, considering. The other two troupes were pretty much up to speed and on the same page as us with level of practise etc, and that's mostly to the credit of Lynne and Tracy who are great organisers and teachers. But I was pleasantly surprised and horrified (in a good way!) at the same time, as Tracy's girls had pretty much finished their finale costumes and were wearing them! Aaargh!! Didn't want to admit it, but mine is at the design stage i.e still in my head! Several of Miramar have got theirs done, too, but I've been so bogged down with other stuff that it's just got put to one side again and again. However, I haven't anything pressing on tomorrow so I must be disciplined and start it!! But I have decided that today is going to be a day off- mainly from work although there is 'house' stuff to do...don't even think of mentioning housework!! So as it's a very wet day we are going to treat ourselves to a matinee performance at the cinema and hopefully a bit of cake afterwards...happy sigh! But I do have a confession to will be my THIRD piece of cake this week! Went around to Anne's to collect the veils and she offerred me some Velvet Cake. It's an American recipe where you colour the sponge red and then slice it, and then sandwich the slices together with a soft cheese filling, which also goes on the outside. Bloddy fantastic!! The second slice was chocolate cake from a little cafe in Warwick and was also gorgeous, but as it was my second slice of the day I must admit to struggling to finish it! No...can't believe that myself!
Did the radio show yesterday, and I'm pleased to say that we are improving - with our technical skills and getting to grips with the technology AND the website didn't go down in the middle like it did last week! Hurrah! Ustream have been upgrading and repairing this week so we think it was probably due to a fault at their end. I'm optimistic that the show will go from strength to strength, and we have ideas of how we'd like to expand it...but more of that when the time is right! If you fancy listening on we are on are on live 3-5pm on Fridays on, but you can listen later, too. Just go onto the website and type thealternativeshow into the search engine.
Anyway, time for me to go off and make myself have some time out!

Monday 21 February 2011

Monday update....

Well the Speed Awareness course wasn't so bad actually. In fact it was due to the skill of the presenters that it seemed reasonably interesting and entertaining, and I wasn't checking the clock every five minutes! It's certainly made me more cautious about sticking to the speed limit, but I still think that particular stretch of road is the work of the Devil!! Apparently 3 or 4 people at the workshop had been caught on it...
Well now it's half term (except for the class that I couldn't do last Tuesday), so I'm planning to catch up on things that have been a bit behind- particularly getting the show costumes properly underway, as well as show advertising and Le Petit Souk promo stuff. But the line up of teachers for the souk is now finalised and I'm delighted that we have Galit Mersand, Lynne Chapman, Loreley Rice, Samantha Hough and Di Cox. Starting to look forward to it! Glad to have some time off but invariably a lot of it will be spent working on admin! But I'm hoping that Sid and I can have some time off together as we are not managing that very often at the moment, and all that work and no play makes us VERY dull...or in our case GRUMPY!
Went to a hafla in Redditch on Saturday and although we allowed a good hour to get there we got soo lost that we ended up driving up and down some damn dual carriageway for what seemed like forever! Thank God for the nice man at the petrol station who knew where we needed to go and directed us perfectly- and also the event was so laid back that they didn't start for another 40 mins so we had time to set up (in a swearing hurry, in my case!), and in fact did very well! Remind me to allow a week to find anywhere in Redditch next time!!
Anyway, I guess I should really get back to sewing decoration on Jackie K-T's bra, then finish mine off. At least I can do it while sitting in front of the telly.....

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Being Busy and Sitting on the Naughty Step

I'm back!! The sensitive toothpaste worked like magic!  Marvellous! I know I'm beginning to sound like an advert, but it was sooo painful that I was delighted when it stopped!  Aaah, now I can think straight again....
One of the reasons everything seems to be going faster is that I have been getting creative with my work. Yes, it's partly self inflicted! As the classes had taken a little dip with fewer newbies coming along, I've been trying all sorts of inventive ways of using my skills to earn a crust (or even a whole loaf). Some ideas are still in the pipeline but some are further developed....trying a new format for beginners classes, teaching more 'one off'' workshops, developing the BellySkype lessons, taking the stall to more events and haflas, selling my jewellery online, running a short beginners course, filming some instructional DVD's, and lots of other ideas either creating new events or developing existing ones. My head is always full of ideas and projects, but alas I don't always have the time and energy (and money!) to put them into practise. BUT some do make it into the real world, and hopefully earn me some money while providing lots of people with fun, enjoyment and entertainment!!
Just as well I'm feeling a bit bouncy as I'm off this afternoon to have my hand slapped- metaphorically speaking, that is! I was caught speeding (if you can call it that!) doing 37 in a 30 limit! Grrr! I know I shouldn't have been going over the limit, but in my defence I was hunting for a turning and missed the ridiculous signs, placed (deliberately to catch out unsuspecting drivers, and make lots of money!) so close together as to be comical! And I'm normally one of those drivers who pootle along at 50 most of the time! What a waste of time and money when they could be out catching people who do 100 on the motorway! Grrrrr-again! So....I've got to go on a speed awarenesss course in Warwick- should be interesting- NOT! Val's on the Naughty Step...the students thought it was very funny! Ha!

Speeding up and getting toothache!

I am beginning to feel as if everything is definitely speeding up. I'm breaking into a trot and I don't like it! I expect a bit of rushing around prior to an event, but the BDSpec is 4 1/2 weeks away dammit!! One of the girls from Miramar said she reckoned the Oriental Dreams show in November didn't help and we also had a hafla the other week, so I think that has all had the effect that we are a bit more behind with everything than we normally would be. Humpf!Was beavering quietly and happily away at mine and Jackie's white bras, until Annie announced that she has finished her purple finale costume....I haven't even cut mine out yet....aaargh!
But I have to also turn my attention to Le Petit Souk, as I'm also behind with that. Gotta get that advertising out, and be ready with forms etc for the avalanche of  bookings that will no doubt appear!
Oooww ow ow suddenly bset with awful toothache! I've just eaten some cornflakes with cold-ish milk and my teeth are really complaining! Have had some problems with them being sensitive to cold and hot foods, but this pain now is something else! Gonna sign off and go try brushing them with sensitive toothpaste...can't stand this much more.....

Saturday 12 February 2011

The Spoils of the Day.....

I know it's very late, but as Sid has decided now is the time to scrub the tiled floor in the hallway, I am trying to keep out of his way and NOT get involved!! When Sid decides to do something he turns into a Whirling Dervish and if you don't keep your distance you get inexorably drawn into the maelstrom!
Have had a very long but ejoyable day today in the company of Vicky, Selene and Anne. Vic I and Selene had planned to go to the RSC costume sale, but after waiting an hour in the queue it began to look as if we'd not even get into the building for another hour at least, and as there were also a couple of hundred people ahead of us too , that wouldn't be anything left, anyway! We'd planned to also go to Birmingham to buy veil fabric so rather than jeopardise that we decided to cut our losses and abandon the attempt and go and have a cup of tea. We then met up with Anne and went off to Brum. Although we had a lovely afternoon  we didn't find any suitable fabric so I will have to go back next sat when I return for a contact lens appt. But we all really enjoyed pootling around the Rag Market and I introduced the others to Forever 21 which is a very trendy clothes shop (hopefully that upped my kudos with Selene as she is 14 and very cool of course!). I ended up with several very nice bracelets (for the stall), some sequin motifs and some CD envelopes...not a very impressive haul and only one of the things on my shopping list!
But after taking a whole day out I will have to do some serious sewing tomorrow to get on top of the two white bras I am decorating...and I haven't even cut out my finale costume...eeek!
Anyway, my glass of Japonica wine is calling me (another of Sids' creations!!) so who am I to resist it's lure.......

Tuesday 8 February 2011

My Weekend and a Knee Update.

The Hafla went very well and was a night to remember!  Because my knee was still a problem, I was forced to sit down a lot and couldn't rush around, hence I had lots of help, I didn't get too stressed and really enjoyed it! Several 'old' students from the past showed up which was great, and I managed a very 'minimal' performance, mainly dancing on the spot! I also managed to perform 3 other dances so was pleased the knee held out. Lots of memorable performances including Lucy's cheeky stick dance, some very fluid feather fan dancing, some cyber/robotic fusion (bit OTT!) and a naughty solo from Em Chuter to 'We speak no Americano'. The main downside to the evening was the news that Fiona had had a car accident on the way to the hafla (fortunately she wasn't hurt), but it meant that her van was badly damaged and so she and Angela had to go back home. Will try and make contact this week to find out more- how awful for her.
And not very well organised, I know, but we had a troupe meeting the next morning, and we were all scratchy and tired. From experience I usually expect nerves and tension getting closer to the show (me included!), but I'd be worried if no one was concerned as that would suggest to me that they didn't care! But I know the troupe are very professional and will pull it out of the bag as usual. I know I'm slightly biased but I reckon that they are some of the best around and we always get lots of compliments so I know it's not just me that thinks they are really good! And the show cossies are going to look fab-u-lous! a special birthday treat that afternoon, Sid and I went to Jimmy Spices and stuffed ourselves...yum yum!
My knee is much better, but has a little complain after each class, so we have some way to go yet. My lovely pal Claire came around on Sunday with a birthday pressie, and ended up giving me a mini Bowen treatment. on the knee and legs. Alhough the effects were quite subtle, I did feel very contented and serene and quietly grounded. Have decided that I need to do more for the poor knees, though, so will try and arrange to get either some massage or physiotherapy this week, and on both knees, too!
BUT tonight I need to get going on some of the show costumes, both for Jackie and myself, so - no more diversionary tactics or prevarication! Byeee!

Friday 4 February 2011

Hafla Preparations...and other stuff

Why is it that when I have the most work to do I get this urge to blog!!?
My 10th Anniversary Hafla is tomorrow night and I've lots to do and here I am writing! But I do have my cuppa to finish, so the blog will last as long as that, I'm promising myself.....LOL!
My knee is doing really well, and has survived a week of classes, although it's still reminding me to not overdo it! I think I might manage a solo, but only if I do a baladi style number with tiny on the spot moves and not travel anywhere! Could be an interesting challange! I've had a busy couple of days and today was no exception. Met Lynne and Tracey this morning to talk about and practise the emsemble finale for the March show. We compared our purples and although they are slightly different it will look heavenly- especially as it's my favouite colour! Then as Sid has a problem with his car I had to go and fetch him from Archery before finishing off the radio show stuff then dashing to Stratford again for the show, this time via the bank. Now I've got to gather together all the stuff for the hafla and if I want to go to the pub I've got to get it done by 10.00pm! I'm saving the practising until tomorrow to save my knee and then I'll also have the de-foresting, preening, tweaking and painting to do before I go out. And I might even try to do something with my hair...that will be interesting! Anyway, my tea is done, so I MUST go and gather up the gear.
Ta Taa!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

List Making and Knee Status

Glad to report that the knee is steadily long as I don't get too confident and do too much! After my Monday night class I was limping a bit more, and yesterday after my afternoon class I was worried I'd done more damage, as it was quite painful again and I was having to walk like a snail.  Your brain is working at full speed, but you body isn't and that's very frustrating! I've managed to rest it since and it's feeling better again...but I have the Weds class tonight with the Belly Bolly choreo...will have to get creative about how I teach it! BUT I really want to be able to dance on Saturday at the hafla, so will have to be sensible (uuurgh!).
Spent this morning recording two editions of Girl Talk for NCCR. We pre -record the programmes and they are repeated, so we only have to get together once a month. That's just as well as I have to find 3 likely lassies to come voluntarily each time....but it's good fun as it's an excuse to have a gossip and chinwag, just on air! But I'm trying to decide what knee friendly activity I can do next... and I'm not feeling very decisive. Do I a) look for a printer for the show flier? b) sew a bit of Jackie's bra? c) finalise the hafla programme? d) plan my class e) make some lists? (probably my favourite!) or f) look for a venue postcode? *Sigh* can't decide! Will probably end up doing none of the aforementioned and do something else completely! But as some of you know I am  a bit of a list-maker! I try to organise myself and everyone around me with lists- different lists, forms, questionaires and schedules. I've always been a list maker, but since I have been having the odd senior moment here and there it has become a necessity or things get forgotten! Now I've said all that I'm getting the urge to make a's no good-gotta go a scratch that list!!