Wednesday 27 July 2011

Hips, Bums and Sums

Well I bit the bullet and went to see the Doctor on Monday , and he said it was a compressed nerve (Sid might say my nerves are definitely compressed- usually all the time!!), and as I said it was affecting my ability to work he said he'd get me an urgent physiotherapy appointment, and gave me some anti-inflammatory tablets. Amazingly I got the appointment for this morning! Although the therapist was lovely and very professional all she did was give me some exercises to do!! They are like gentle yoga stretches that I could in fact, have worked out for myself, but most of all I was disappointed that there wasn't anything manipulative involved. I was rather looking forward to having things poked and prodded as this is what I have experienced when having Chiropractic and Shiatsu. So although things have improved I'm still suffering from pain....grrr! Will dilligently do the exercises as instructed until the next appointment, and we'll see how things are....
I've decided to go ahead with my class tonight, but have changed the subject matter to finger cymbals as I can sit or remain stationary for most of it. However, the students will have to be mobile! I once read somewhere that if you learnt zils (or sagat) sitting down you would never be able to combine it with dancing, so I always get everyone walking first then building up to simple travelling steps, then moves. Am also planning some partner work where people will play counter or complimentary rhythms together.
Have applied for a full time job which if I got would triple my income!!! That indicates how little I earn! But it would also mean rejigging things around in my life quite a lot.....but let's wait and see if I get an interview first! Am still continuing to scour the papers and noticeboards locally for anything else that might be suitable. Meanwhile I am making jewellery, doing some sewing jobs, and looking for gigs for the stall. Along with Fiona, Vic and Angela I am organising The Bizarre Bazaar Tea Party for this coming Sunday, so we are all hoping for good weather and a wonderful turnout. I've done a lot of advertising on the internet- email and Facebook so I think we will get a better attendance than previously.... or maybe it could be something to do with the mention of free tea and cakes! Hopefully I will do at least as well as last weekend.
In another attempt to earn extra dosh I had offerred myself as a dancing busker to the busking scheme based in Stratford. Not sure if it will bring any money in, as when we did this as Miramar we only got about £15! However, I'm optimistic that it might appeal as something exotic and different, and I can use the opportunity to advertise myself and the classes. I've offered to do a day this weekend,'s all dependent on the hip and bum situation!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Sunday scribbling and hip problems

Since I can't really go any where or do anything I figured I may just as well have a little blogette!
Well, when I say I can't do anything that is a slight exaggeration (I am prone to that you may have noticed!), but what started as a twinge in my left buttock, has now turned into a full blown agonising problem! I'm not aware of doing anything that caused it specifically, but it has travelled to hip, lower leg and even across my lower back to my right hip! I think it's muscular, but even after copious amounts of Reiki, healing, deep heat and even some very painful stretching and massage, it's still a problem. Think I may have to (reluctantly) go to see the doc. Hmpf ! So, as a result I am not able to scuttle around busily as usual, and am trying to find things I can do sitting....blogging maybe!! I've even been taking one of Sid's tinctures (Willow bark) to keep the pain at bay....don't really like doing this as I'm concerned that lack of warning pain could cause me to inadvertantly make it worse, but needs must etc. Unfortunately all these problems and injuries are all too common among althletes and dancers it seems, so mostly I just put up with it and accept it's part of the job, but it's making me seriously consider how much longer I can continue with my present dance workload....not wanting to to cut down or stop anytime soon, but we'll have to see how things develop.
Anyway, had a lovely (though not so profitable) day at BAMBA yesterday. The festival is on it's second year, so I thought it might have attracted a greater number of attendees from last year, but not so. Seems that everyone is sufferring from the same problems...namely money, so there wasn't such a good turnout as previously. Or if there was, they didn't come into the souk! It was great to see pals Fiona, Angela, Julie & Lynne and their Mum, Kay Taylor and Debbie Williams and various others, but  because there were quiet spells we rather overindulged ourselves. Think I managed to eat a weeks worth of calories and sugar in one day! Don't tell Sid, but I had chocolate, chocolate cake, a doughnut, a cereal bar, banana, egg sandwiches, crisps, ice cream, chips and veggie burger, and coca cola....all the baddest and yummiest things all in one sugar and fat-fest! I'm amazed that this morning I'm not suffering from a sugar 'downer' or gall bladder fat-fallout, but (apart from the hip thingy) I'm fine!
But now I'm worrying abut my ability to do the things I've arranged this next week which includes teaching one dance class and various errands. Suddenly am having to consider if there is much walking or any steps to contend with for each outing. Oh dear....need to get this fixed, pronto!
Am realising this is turning into another moan so think I'd better sign off before I bore you all off your perches!! Back soon!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Itty-Bitty Blog

One thing in life is certain- change! Think I might be paraphrasing a bit there, but you get my drift! Although I don't feel much different from Monday, a number of very small things have occurred which have in turn created little changes, so there has definitely been a shift.

Found a couple of interesting jobs, but one meant a LOT of walking (and it was working all weekend) so I decided I just physically couldn't do that one, and the other looks as if it is full time...but it IS daytime work. I just need to find out  a bit more detail on that one. But at least they are jobs that would ultilise my talents, instead of shelf filling. Mind you, I think I could do that very artistically, just not sure any shops would allow experimental sculpture displays!

Lack of money is at least keeping me at home and forcing me to tackle a few jobs I've been putting off for a long time. I am the Great Procrastinator- should have a degree in it I have got soo skilled at avoidance! So, you know things are serious when I finally start cleaning because there is nothing else to do!!! But I have made quite a few new pairs of earrings and some jewelled collars for the stall for Saturday's event at BAMBA. Haven't been out to any belly dance events for at least two weeks and am getting withdrawl symptoms, so am really looking forward to it.

Have also recently come across a wonderful singer called Caro Emerald- although everyone else seems to have heard of her already!! But her music is variously 30's, 40's and 50's inspired and very danceable! It's very much in the same vein as Caravan Palace, so it's impossible to keep your feet still. There is definitely a choreography in there, waiting to come out!

Feels like this is turning out to be a very itty-bitty kind of blog, as I'm jumping all over the place with my subjects....but maybe that's just indicative of the way my life is at the moment! Sigh. Better jump into working then, I suppose.........

Sunday 17 July 2011

Reasons To Be Cheerful, and Slow Travel

Haven't written for a few days as I was still languishing in the Slough of Despond, but today it feels as if a cloud has lifted, and I'm feeling mildly cheerful- but not tooo much, just a Mona Lisa-smile-kind-of amount. When I feel like this it's useful to make a little list of the 'reasons to be cheerful', or find time to count your blessings, and that usually does the trick. In fact it's a good technique to being happy apparently-focus on the good things rather than the bad. goes with my current list.....

I'm healthy and fit (ish)
I don't have a mortgage (and the house is ours)
I have a big house with lots of space and a wonderfully wild garden
I have a loving and funny husband
I have enough to eat (and can even find a little extra for treats!)
I have clothes (some might say too many)
I have lots of sparkly costumes and the opportunity to wear them and perform in them (happy sigh here)
I have lots of wonderful and amazing friends
I have a great bunch of students
I get to do some exciting things- the radio show, performing as a dancer
I'm self employed and don't have to answer to anyone (that's especially good...LOL!)
It's a sunny summers day with birds tweeting in the trees and I live in a beautiful place.

I think I could add a few more to that but then I'd be just lisitng and not writing an blog...cheating in my book! But of course some of the things on the list might be less important one day to the next and I might also want to add or delete things depending on the circumstances, the time of year, my mood, and the weather! And it's all relative, too. I consider myself lucky compared to the lives some people lead or have to suffer. What we consider difficult here in the west bears no comparison to someone living in Africa or the Middle East right now. But I do believe that we are where we are for a reason, even if it's our choice to be there, and the Universe/God/Goddess makes good where ever we place ourselves, and still manages to give us the lessons we need right here and now. So whether I live in war torn Libya or peaceful Warwickshire I will get the opportunity to learn what I need to. Whether I choose to take up the challenge or not is another matter....! You can tell I'm 'on holiday' can't you? I don't usually have much time to contemplate my navel and get all philosophical, but it's no bad thing. In fact quite a lot of the reasons people love going on holiday is that free from the everyday slog and grind, you actually get the chance to contemplate the things that matter, usually with those you love. For me that helps sort my priorities out and makes me grateful for what I've got, as well as giving me the spiritual boost I need. No wonder everyone loves a holiday! But it does beg the qeustion of why we feel so much better when away? If our lives are so awful and difficult so as to need a holiday in the first place, that suggests that most of the year we are unhappy or dissatisfied. My Dad only ever took one holiday in his life...his honeymoon- and according to my Mum they had to come back after two days as a cow got sick!! But he was a farmer and and loved what he did, so he didn't need a holiday. I do have to admit at this point that he was even more of a control freak than I am , and couldn't trust anyone else to look after the running of the farm, but I suppose my point is that if our lives were less stressful and slower, perhaps we wouldn't feel we needed a holiday. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting new places and discovering new cultures and experiencing the scenery, but it's something to do with the desperate drive to escape off somewhere that doesn't seem right.
Ever heard of the Slow Movement? It's a concept first introduced by an Italian who despaired of the way we were getting addicted to fast food. He is an advocate of Slow Food, which means having long meals in the company of friends and family and really enjoying the experience... and this concept has spread into all sorts of areas of life and has even been taken up by cities all over the world. So there are now Slow Cities, as well as Slow Exercise and....Slow Sex!! So type in Slow Movement into your search engine....and you'll see what I mean! Sid and I have been talking about having a Slow Holiday for a while, as neither of us like flying much and are uneasy about the carbon footprint as well as not wanting to face all the restricitions placed on travellers by the airlines. So we have been considering various options...the long term favourite is to buy a camper van and do a tour of Europe for two or three months, but that's quite a big project that will take some preparing for. But other options include shorter length holidays driving ourselves around Europe, taking public transport like trains and buses, and also taking ferries to different places. But this kind of travel isn't quick, so we are talking about taking your time to enjoy the experience, and make the journey an important part of the holiday. I realise that most people don't have the luxury of taking off a leisurely month or so for a break, but this concept could apply to holidays in this country. There are some wonderful train routes and marvellous scenic roads in this green and pleasant land of ours, if we just took time to stop occaisonally and enjoy smelling the flowers or counting cows.....or something! Hmmmm. Well I've run out of steam (and tea!) so I think it's time to sign off and go do something useful...or nice...or both!!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Gloomy Moaning...........

After an un-motivated Monday I'm now suffering from a Weary Wednesday! It's partly self inflicted as I went to Brum shopping yesterday and so have worn myself out- again! But I'm still not into relax mode and am still twitching about uneasily and feeling like I should be doing something...just can't decide what!
Some progress has been made promoting a couple of events I've got planned, but the bad news is that I don't have enough students to run the beginners course I had starting tomorrow. I have to admit to probably not having put enough energy into promoting it, but various other things had to take priority at the time, so this is the outcome. Ahh, well that's life.
In fact you could probably say that I'm mildly depressed- 'reactive depression' as we used to say in The Samaritans (yes, another past life!). This means that life is getting me down, with special reference to the lack of spondoolies...urrgh! I just need a little extra energy so's I can get going on some of my pet projects and then something might shift in a positive way. I still believe in the old Cosmic Ordering stuff , and also believe that what you believe shapes your life...which then makes me feel even worse because it's all down to me being a gloomy cow and it's my own fault!! Bit of a vicious circle, eh? Better change the subject!

Another piece of annoying news is that my Victorian table (1840's apparently) is not worth anything like as much as I'd thought, but at least I can now confidently barter away knowing it's true worth. Hopefully selling that will go towards paying off my debts!
But the good news is now I have more time to make some more stock for the BAMBA festival on 23rd July and the Bizarre Bazaar Tea Party on the 31st. By the way someone told me that there is a fetish market that has been going in Brum for over 10 years that's also called the Bizarre Bazaar...oooh er....does that mean we'll be getting a few odd customers turning up? LOL!!
OK, don't think I'm going to pull myself out of this Slough of Despond just yet, so I guess the decent thing to do is quietly slink off into a corner and play with my sparkly things......going...going....gone

Monday 11 July 2011

Un-motivated Monday!

Another busy weekend done and dusted! Phew! Yesterday I was dog tired but am feeling slightly better today, but instead of weariness I now feel aimless and fact 'less' in lots of respects! Maybe as a self employed person I identify myself so much with my work and career that without it I'm rather rudderless....that's a worrying thought!
The hafla on friday went very well...and happily very smoothly, although it felt as if it took a while for everyone to 'warm up' somehow. It may have been partly that it was a new venue (which everyone pretty much agreed was an improvement), but we had a few new people and troupes there who of course didn't know each other and my students either. But it doesn't take long for belly dancers to start in the end a good time was had by all. Our guest dancer Sayuri (Sarah) was fab and I had lots of awed comments about how good she was. I'm delighted to report that she was on fire (especially her SIX VEIL spinning routine!!), and I was pleased that I'd chosen a worthy guest performer for us! One interesting part of her saidi stick routine was that she was making lots of cheeky faces towards the wings and I assumed it was her students, but I was very amused to hear that the players from the resident bowls club (who had a match on that night) who were on their way to the shared dressing rooms were apparently standing in the wings gawping in amazed awe at the proceedings! If I'd found them I'd have charged them for watching!LOL! A very enjoyable night. Several pluses including that the new venue were extremely helpful in setting up lighting, staging, sound system and even assiting in getting tables and chairs out- and it cost half the price of the last venue!Win, win I'd say!
Then on Saturday memebers of Miramar performed at the Shakespeare Hospice fete - back to Stratford Recreation ground (the scene of a few performances recently!!), where we fought with veils in the wind. But otherwise an excellent performance from all the girls. This time we tried a different colour combination, wearing our all white and silver bras and skirts with coloured veils and belts...looked quite edible, like sweets or desserts, actually!  And finally on Sunday Shuvani performed at Chipping Norton fete. The first two dances went well in front of the main stage with  a decent audience, but our later busking spot was hard work as we were still within earshot of the main stage belting out amplified sound! Our little busking amp couldn't compete, but having  a smaller, more intimate audience seated out side a cafe seemed more fun. A couple of rather surreal moments too......having to dance on a quite severe sideways slope, and performing around moving cars and pedestrians! It's all a learning curve (or maybe more like an incline!!), and good experience for the girls. 
So I'm now sitting here trying to decide what to do next. There's of course always something to do but I'm feeling pretty un-motivated, so maybe I should just give in to it gracefully and go watch daytime TV and slob out.
Ta taaa for now!

Friday 8 July 2011

An Unflustered Friday

Have pretty much recovered from last weekends activities which is just as well as the Hafla tonight kicks off another busy weekend!
Spent most of yesterday preparing for the hafla tonight and am now sitting here feeling remarkably calm and wondering if there is something obvious I've missed, as I don't normally feel this organised at this point in the proceedings! Hope this isn't famous last words! Mind you, having only had one class this week I've had more time to prepare which is unusual. So I'm just going to enjoy the feeling and enjoy tonight! Last hafla (back in February) I learn an important lesson. As I had injured my knee I was forced to do less and let others do more...and in fact I enjoyed the evening much more as a result. Plus everyone was very kind and seemed very happy to help!
As part of my plan to earn more money, I've got Dave Hastings to photograph some of my jewellery with a view to selling it on the internet. Sid has been telling me to do this for years so I'm now going to give it a try. I've recently been making things that are more mainstream, so they will appeal to a wider audience, and have been having ideas of somehow merging the jewellery with some art work....not sure if it will work, but after this weekend I will have more time on my hands to experiment, that is, unless I get myself a job! I have been looking at the jobs sections of the local papers and various noticeboards, but am going to have to up the ante. I'm going to target the places where I'd ideally like to work and be pro-active by contacting them or sending my CV in. Then I'll work down my list gradually. I realise that there are lots of people out there who are also searching, and it's not a good time to find work, but I've got to start somewhere and I am indicating to the Universe that I'm willing! There's no reason why I couldn't have an interesting, part-time job that I enjoy...I just have to manifest it, put out the vibes, so to speak. So if you know of any jobs that might suit an arty, eccentric, 50-something Belly Dancer, let me know!! 
Not sure if my beginners course in Chadlington will run. I have put a few fliers out but circumstances have prevented me from doing more advertising, so our performance in Chipping Norton on Sunday might be the deal clincher- or not! Chipping Norton is very close to Chadlington, so I'm hoping it might gain some interest...we'll just have to see.
Re my sorting out the debts, I've also decided to sell a table that I inherited from the farm. It's a lovely big pedestal dining table, but is too big for the living room and has been gathering dust in the spare bedroom for a while. Funnily enough, when I first inherited lots of items from home when Dad, and then Mum both died, I just had so much emotional attachment to them I wanted to hang (or rather grip!) on to them, and couldn't imagine parting with them. Maybe it was something about not wanting to let go of Mum and Dad...hmmm. But as the years have passed I'm finding I have less attachment, except for one or two small personal items that Mum and Dad used every day. I wonder if it's part of a bigger universal plan for letting go of earthy belongings that we obviously can't take with us when we die. I'm not expecting to kick the bucket just yet, but non-attachment to worldy things makes it much easier to lead a spiritual life and to die without anything holding you back.
Anyway, time to go off and practise being relaxed for a bit longer...this chilling out is hard work for a workaholic, I tell you!!

Monday 4 July 2011

What's Occurring...

Well it has been a long time since the last post but it has been partly due to busyness, and also an attack of the 'End of Term Blues'. A visit to my lovely homeopath has kicked the Gloominess into touch, so am pleased to announce I'm feeling a lot better. Part of that is that my final class is tonight and after this wekend it will officially be holiday and giving-myself-permission-to-relax mode! Don't get me wrong, not complaining about the classes per se, as I love my students and teaching them, but am feeling definitely in need of a rest.
However, the financial situation is only slightly improved so am continuing to search for a part-time job, but in the meantime am looking at other (small scale) moneymaking ventures to keep the boat afloat!
Today finds me really Cream Crackered as I just had a busy but very enjoyable weekend. Stratford was hosting it's annual River Festival, and as part of it I taught two short taster workshops (one each day), and both Shuvani and Miramar performed, plus the obligatory attendance at the last night party at Shipston Proms...had to be done!The River Festival was extremely busy both days and looks as if it was a huge success, and I was delighted that we could be a part of it, but crowds eventually start to get to me, and that added to a lots of walking and dancing made for one very tired Vally. Peter (my radio show co-presenter) was largely responsible for organising the Family Zone, and I know he put an enormous amount of work into it. It also got very stressful as some last minute cancellations and problems meant a lot of rushing around and worrying. But he did a fantastic job and I think he deserves a medal...or maybe a large amount of cash...if anyone (from the festival) is listening!
And this next weekend is going to be another busy one...our Summer Hafla on Friday evening, dancing with Miramar at the Shakespeare Hospice on Saturday, and performing with Shuvani at Chipping Norton fete on Sunday. Phew!! Could really do with a holiday, or at least a long lie down somewhere quiet and calm...!