Thursday 22 September 2011

Treasure Maps and Other Improvements

I haven't written for over a week as it's been a tough one...well it's been a tough summer for me actually. But last week seemed to be the last attempt to really grind me down before I saw the light and started to get happy again! The main problem was that on Friday our phone line went down, and with it our internet connection. That had a knock on effect in that I couldn't print out all the stuff for the radio show, couldn't phone anyone (and they couldn't phone me), and couldn't let anyone know I wasn't contactable, as I couldn't get onto Facebook or email!! We found out that it was a problem with BT's local exchange, but our internet provider The Phone Co-op had to do the badgering to get their engineers out. Anyway, to cut a long story short, it was quite difficult and frustrating as we had to use the local library for a (once a day) 30 mins free connection ,and as people were trying to contact me about the souk and other work related things it got very tricky and complicated. On the plus side I got a lot of ironing done!! I know I'm a little addicted to the internet, but I can manage without when I'm on holiday (and don't have any responsibilities or things to do or organise), and am having a nice time, but when work is just beginning to kick in in earnest it's a problem! Anyway, we got back on line yesterday- what a relief!
But this week is turning out to be much better as I've started classes (feels really good to get back to it again- inactivity doesn't suit me), so this also means I have some money flowing in , and I also got paid for  the Guild of Pastoral Studies workshop. Plus a little minor medical problem I had suddenly resolved itself with the help of Reiki, homeopathy and Sid's Yarrow salve. Yay! Result!
It's quite amazing to look back over probably one of the worst summers I've ever had, and reflect on how stuck and stressful it was- mostly because of lack of money. And as soon as some money appears, it's like I just unblocked the sink!
To keep the ball rolling, I've decided to make a Treasure Map. It's an idea I've used before, and Maggy Whitehouse reminded me of the technique in her book 'Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity'. So you take a big sheet of paper or card and you stick pictures or photos or drawings on it relating to the things you want in your life, or you'd like to achieve- you can focus it on a specific subject or outcome if you want. Then you find a happy photo of yourself and stick in the middle. Then you write your aim or desire (in the present tense) linking it to the picture or photo- so for example if I wanted a digital camera (which I do), I might say 'I now have a marvellous digital camera that takes perfect pictures, and was at a bargain price'. Once you have done this for all the pictures or areas of your life, you then write a message at the bottom of the page, which goes something like 'I am open to all this and whatever the universe offers me to the highest good of all concerned'. This last phrase is really important so it prevents anything untoward happenning as a result of your requests. Maggy cites an example of something like- if you ask for a windfall but don't specify the conditions, you might say fall over and break your leg, and then get your windfall as an injury claim! These Treasure Maps are very powerful, so be very careful what pictures you use and what phrases you write. When I did this years ago I said I wanted to go to Findhorn and do a course with Eileen Caddy, and I also wanted to run workshops abroad at alternative holiday centres. I found a great picture of people having fun together at Cortijo Romero, and put that up. I got to do my course with Eileen and it wasn't until I got home afterwards that I realised one of the people on my course was in the photograph of Cortijo Romero! The universe had interpreted my message as wanting to meet someone in the picture! So, I'm going to focus my Treasure Map around abundance and prosperity, and getting myself a digital camera! I'll keep you posted on developments!

Monday 12 September 2011

Looking on the Bright Side.......

Just a little blogette today as it's almost 7pm and I feel as if I haven't hardly done anything! Actually, I know that's not entirely true, as I've done a radio interview and been to see my lovely friend C to give her some Reiki, but I guess as those things were fun and enjoyable they don't count as work! Oh dear....I've just realised that I'm saying work = not enjoyable....not a very good message to send to the Universe! OK, if you really break it down, it's the downside of being employed- having to do your own tax return, having to face having debts and feeling guilty about it, worrying about where the work (and money) is coming from. But after reading a bit more of Maggy's book I am trying to remain positive and to see the bigger picture.... rather than asking directly for money, I will focus on doing the things that make me feel happy and optimistic and enthusiastic, knowing that this will draw abundance to me! The higher part of me knows this to be true. You know the term 'Follow your Bliss'? I do believe that if you can find a way of doing that, that earns you a living, then that must be wonderful. Well, I suppose that I HAVE been doing that for much of my working life- but with the belief that it wouldn't earn me much money...hmmm. Need to change that, then! But I have had some of the most wonderful, marvellous, inspiring, exciting and memorable experiences I could ask for.......and I'm rich in those! Counting my blessings again!

Saturday 10 September 2011

Brickbats and Blessings

You can tell that I'm the Mistress Of Prevarication by the fact that I've managed so  many blogs recently! It's mostly because I'm trying to- but can't really, put off doing my tax return for much longer- especially as my classes resume in a couple of weeks, but I also have various disagreeable jobs to do that I'm not looking forward to......urrgh. excuse coming up....Sid as usual is doing his Whirling Dervish impressions in the kitchen- creating Damson Wine and baking there's no space for little ole me. I know from experience it's best to just keep out of his way!
Yesterday was a pretty awful day for me. I had a bank statement and things were worse than I expected, so then I was thrown into a distressed panic because I didn't know how I was going to solve it. After talking with Sid I became calmer and managed to get myself together to take some action. The worst is over for now, but the problems are not yet completely resolved. The whole experience left me feeling depressed and exhausted. Later in the evening Mel came around to try and fix my computer problems. After several hours hard labour (bless him!) he eventually admitted defeat, but not after he and Sid managed to rescue all my valuable files and load them onto Sid's laptop. I could have kissed them both I was so relieved! So, although it almost certainly means a new computer, Thank God for Mel and Sid for saving the day, and I'm so grateful we had Sid's laptop as backup. But I must admit I was really glad to go to bed last night!
However, a few days ago while talking to Peter about my money troubles, I suddenly got a flash of a book I had that I'd never read, that Maggy Whitehouse had written, and given to us when we interviewed her on the radio show. Last night I got it out and started reading it. Fantastic...just the tonic that I needed! It's called Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity, and it feels like it's just the perfect thing for me right now!Some of the info is stuff I already knew, but I really needed to hear it again, right now! And there is also some really insightful stuff there too. I need to turn my financial situation around, and this may be the way forward...thankyou Maggy!
Anyway, today I'm feeling a lot better. There's newly made Rosehip Syrup (made by moi) in the pantry, Sid is creating Damson Wine and Bread, and Mel gave us some yummy homemade jellies and jams, plus the pantry and kitchen are almost bursting at the seams with all the fruit and food processing that's going on, and that all feels really good! Gotta focus on the positive!
Just over a week to my classes so next week will be busy preparing stuff, and organising things. A few difficult phone calls and letters to write but I'm a grown up and I can do it! But there are also good things on the horizon- plans for the radio show, interviews, birthday party to go to, haflas and belly dance events to attend and organise, and time out with good friends.......counting my blessings again!

Friday 9 September 2011

Just bumbling along....

No radio show today as Peter has to get some repairs done to another computer and will take up the time- we didn't have a real live guest anyway so it wasn't a big deal, but it feels a bit odd to not be beavering away at last minute research like I usually am on a Friday morning. But next week it's back to grips with it all, as I do have a couple of pre-recorded interviews to do, with the organisers of the Shipston Loyalty Card Scheme, and a friend who is a Shaman.
Am doing a really good job of avoiding doing my tax return but as Sid wanted to use his computer yesterday afternoon (quite reasonably!), I was forced to start collating stuff (instead of checking my emails and playing on Facebook!). So at least I have started! And this weekend I have the rare pleasure of not having anything booked in so don't have any excuses not to carry on with the good work...urgh!
As usual I have got into Sloth Mode this holiday so have managed to leave class preparation stuff till the last minute, so next week will be very busy creating a choreography or two, and doing some research on Tribal Belly dance to pass onto the students. Have realised over the holidays that I would really like a bit more time (and less stress) to enjoy my own dancing, and even attend a few workshops purely for myself, to get back my mojo! A part time job would certainly help relieve the money situation and take some of the stress out of my work, plus I could then spend a little on myself for a change! That would be just great!
Still job hunting, but I realise I'm not well qualified for an office job or even a shop assistant!An ideal job would be something where I was maybe some kind of  tourist guide or meeter & greeter so I could put my gift of the gab to good use! But sadly most of the jobs in the papers are either cleaners, carers or drivers, or at the other end of the scale administration or team leaders. Haven't quite got to the desperate-enough-to-take-anything stage...yet.
Am working on trying to believe that if I trust the Universe will provide for me, it will. I know this to be true in theory- have had experience of it, but it's hard to maintain that belief constantly- especially when you are worrying about whether you can afford to put petrol in the car or if you have enough to buy food that week! It's like the 'higher' part of me believes it, it's just the 'lower' or littler part of me that needs convincing! A work in progress, methinks...........

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Moving On Up.....

It feels as if suddenly everything has gathered speed and broken into a trot! After so many weeks of feeling stuck it feels really good to get moving again- apparently Mercury has stopped being in retrograde- so that explains it all! All this new activity has cheered me up no end, but at the same time I mustn't go into overdrive and wear myself out. I think part of my depression has been due to tiredness, and I am feeling like I'd prefer to slow down a little generally. I've been working hard for so long, I think I'd like a little change. Like lots of people, I'm finding it hard to manage financially, and fewer students have meant less money, so I need something to supplement what I already earn. I'd like the space and time to go to workshops myself, and to be able to take a backseat occasionally.
I've been promoting the souk for all I'm worth, as time is of the essence, but so far have had to restrict my activities to online as I still can't get to all my old email addresses- the computer is still not working. Mel is coming around again this week to have another go so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can fix it, otherwise it will make life pretty complicated as my regular classes are starting again soon and I need to get to the info.
Peter and I are planning some developments with the radio show, but they are long term, so you'll all have to wait and see, but we're very excited about it all! The show is going well, although I'm having trouble finding guests for some reason...have run out of friends to invite on! We're looking into using Skype if people can't get to us, so that will open up various possibilities.
I've also created a Facebook page for Sid's culinary activities. I think he creates some amazing and interesting things (though not always to my taste!!) and think that the world needs to hear what he's up to. He refuses to sign up to Facebook so I'm doing it on his behalf- if we wait for him to design a website it may be some time.....
...and the good news is that I'm steadily losing weight, only a few pounds, but it's working!! Hurrah!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Tales of the Unexpected!

Had a very long day yesterday with two performances and a very early morning and very late night! This morning I am being a complete slob- well you have to keep the world in balance don't you?!
Had to get up horribly early (well for me at any rate!) to be ready, fully made up to meet the Shuvani girls at 8.30am to get into Moreton Show. It's a huge one day agricultural show that been going for years (like a mini Royal Show), and is a big date on the calender of all those huntin',shootin' n' fishin' types and all the farmers, toffs and horseowners for miles around. Got changed in the relatively private organisers tent along with all the shiny trophies, and then went to perform at the 'bandstand'. This was basically a small platform with a big gazebo over it in the middle of a grassed area with tents and stalls on all sides. Our first set was performed to a few coffee swilling tired individuals in an adjacent cafe and a trickle of bemused passers by. Under those circumstances it's like performing into a black hole- quite disconcerting, and not easy- but the girls coped admirably. But by our second set the sun had come out and so had the punters so this time we danced to an appreciative crowd which included a number of Zumbaholics (waiting for their turn on the stage), children, cafe customers, and a few dogs! Compared to the last set this was much better and we came away feeling the great buzz you get from a good performance.We didn't get paid for these performances, but we did get into the show free whereas it would have cost us £16.50 each! Anyway, back home after a short wander around. Lunch and then a brief lie down before a shower to prepare for the Glitterball Hafla in the evening. I only mention the shower because while washing my hair I got water in my contact lenses, which made my mascara run into my eyes, and smeared the lenses so I was looking through a smoky haze. Had to re-do my makeup like this, and also drive over to pick Vicky up before heading to Rubery for the hafla. Began to realise it was quite dangerous as it was like driving through fog, and I began thinking desperately of a solution. What about tears- could they clear the fog away? So I tried to think of the saddest and most upsetting things I could and made myself cry....and it worked!! LOL! Result! The hafla was a really enjoyable evening as it was the first one we'd been to in ages, and our pals Lynne and Julie from Kookie Kaftan were there, as well as my lovely friend Lucy. The  most memorable part of the evening was after I got changed ready to do my feather boa number to Etta James 'I just want to make Love to You'. Apparently they didn't have my music and could they have my CD? I'd thought I sent it by email several weeks ago (but the organisers hadn't received it!), and had forgotten to bring the CD as backup (which I usually do)...AAARGH!! Of course no one had a copy of that particular music so then various people suggested dancing to something else, dancing with a veil (Lucy) or dancing with finger cymbals (Vicky). Some one found a set of zils and after some frenzied hunting I found a track of a CD I hadn't used for about 5 years in my stall stock, and after listening for about 20 secs to the music, I was on!! Now I love improvising, but this did test my skills to the limit! I vaguely knew the music, but wasn't prepared for the drum solo section (!!), and the finger cymbals kept sliding around, but strangely enough I really enjoyed myself! I think that because I was thrown into the situation, I didn't have time to get nervous and the adrenaline was surging around my veins! Not an experience I'd want to revisit again soon, but a steep learning curve, and good fun in the end! The downside of the evening was that I only sold two items and barely covered the cost of the petrol. Ah, well, it was good to get back to it all, and I did have my naughty treat of the week (small bowl of chips and large coke) so all was not lost! Didn't get to bed until 1.00am so very tired and in Miss Slobby mode today...might need a little lie down later!
After so many weeks of feeling stuck and immobile it was great to get out and start doing something again. *Happy sigh*

Friday 2 September 2011

Post Fast and other stuff

Well I'm quite proud that I managed 50 hours of fasting!! In fact I'm rather amazed I did that much! I decided in the afternoon of the 2nd day to make a Marmite drink for Sid and I, and after Sid drank his he suddenly just slid into eating one thing after another at an alarming rate- which culminated in an evening meal for both of us. Not that I'm blowing my own trumpet or anything (hehe!) but Sid is usually the really disciplined one who has gone on fasts for days in the past- so I was fully expecting him to be nagging me into going on for longer! So I'm also delighted that I lost 5 lbs over the two days, but sadly seemed to have put a couple back on after eating again. It was hard won, though, and I wouldn't expect many people to keep that up for long...well, you'd die eventually wouldn't you!? I watched a TV programme last night where the researcher lost 4lbs over 14 days on the Dukan diet- and paid £100 for the privilege! Some people have more money than sense!!Maybe I should set up a business promoting fasting, and make lots of there's a thought! LOL!  But seriously, I'm determined to keep up the healthy eating with hardly any treats (maybe once a week) regime as that worked for me before, but I also have to do some regular moderate exercise. So I'm trying to do a few walks before the classes start in a couple of weeks. But Sid and I are both looking at changing some of the things we eat to help maintain weight loss, and to also help with arthritis. So we are trying to find substitutes for potatoes, pasta and rice, and most grain based foods. Not an easy task so we'll still have them occasionally, but we're going to try eating a bit more protein instead, like cheese, eggs and nuts, and of course up the veggies, fruit and salads. We tried the Hay diet a few years ago and lost quite a bit of weight , but it was very hard to maintain, especially when you went out anywhere. In any case for any diet to work, it's got to be realistic and manageable for you to keep it up permanently, and you don't want to become a social pariah just because you aren't eating certain foods. So I'll be saving the treats for those occasions when there won't be much alternative my therapeutic cuppa with Lucy next week, for example!

Anyway, apart from all of that I've decide that the souk is a go-er and have been busily beavering away to get the promo stuff out ASAP. Most teachers classes start this week or next so I'm just about on time to catch them all- especially any newbies who will be itching to buy a shimmy belt or sparkly costume once they get addicted to Belly Dance (which doesn't take very long!!).
Plus I've been preparing for the radio show today. We are currently trying to set up a Facebook page and also a web page for the show with a view to growing it in the long term. We have all sorts of plans under discussion, but as some of them will require money we may have to apply ourselves to business of finding some funding or a grant. But more of that as it unfolds.
Anyway, enough computer interface for now...see you all later, peeps!