Thursday 7 April 2011

Recession hits the hips!

It's been a while I know, but it took several days to come down after The Belly Dance Spectacular. I realised I was rather wiped out, so had a day or two off before throwing myself into the next set of urgent jobs! I have had to get to grips with the end of one term and the start of another, as well as Le Petit Souk and organising a number of other events. Underlying all of this is the worrying downtrend I've had with the classes... I've spoken to other teachers and everyone is experiencing the same thing...we are just not getting as many new students as before. I have the lowest number since I started teaching ten years ago! I'm guessing it's mainly about the ecomnomic downturn- although the news and politicians are saying the worst is over, frankly I don't believe it- I think we are still in the middle of it, or rather, that many people are still being cautious and some are plainly struggling. An evening class is a luxury that many people feel they can do without, especially if they are beginners and haven't got addicted to it. I'm lucky in that I have a loyal band of students who understand the benefits of coming to classes, and will move hell or high water to get there- bless them! But despite that I am having to put my creative thinking cap on and try to find ways of using my various talents to keep the dosh flowing in! I know this might sound wierd, but I believe that despite such tough times, it is possible to flourish. My friend Maggy Whitehouse who teaches prosperity thinking said during one of our radio interviews that during the last recession she was thousands of pounds in debt, and through cosmic ordering techniques, working with the higher powers and simply believing it was possible, she turned her fortunes completely around and is now today a busy wealthy, sought-after teacher and speaker! So...if she can do it......!! I've got lots of ideas about how I can help myself, but Belly Dancing is hardly the top of everyone's shopping list of necessities, so it's all about finding a way to use it as a tool or to add a different twist or slant to what I do. Don't intend to give up the regular teaching or events but am experimenting with various  things to see if any work. Any suggestions on a postcard, please........
And in other ways life is good... it's spring and it's a gloriously sunny day with all the birds tweeting away, and lots of pretty flowers and blossoms appearing...*big smile*

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