Friday 3 December 2010

My Funny Friday

Now by funny I don't mean haha, but a bit strange.
And the reason for that is that I had to cancel the hafla we had planned for tonight. Well, we've had some snow and the organisers of the hall had to have a decision by Thursday morning, so I decided to cancel. Looking out of the window today I feel a bit of a wimp as the roads look clear and the sun is shining, but yeaterday it didn't look so good. Funnily enough the planning for this event hadn't gone quite as smoothly as before- we'd had a couple of performer cancellations, not so many people could attend as usual, and I struggled to find enough helpers..odd. And now I'm sitting here feeling a bit strange as I should be rushing around worriting about the event and getting things organised. I feel slightly guilty as if I'd done something wrong!  But anyway every cloud has a silver lining as I have decided to re-schedule it on Feb 5th, and turn it into my 10th Anniversary Hafla. Oh Yes...even I am amazed that I have been teaching for TEN years next year! So I thought it would be great to invite any of my ex-students who'd like to come and do a couple of 'mass' performances of two old dances that are still popular. To make it extra special I'd also like to have some other kinds of diversion, maybe a tarot card reader or similar.
But the time off I've suddenly acquired can now be put to practical use....I can now go and do a test broadcast of The Alternative Show with Peter this afternoon on the live streaming site we've found on the internet. And.. I can go and get some display boards for my jewellery stall for tomorrows Birmingham event.
But for those of you who are new to this blog, for the last (almost) two years I have been presenting a community radio show on Stratford Community Radio, but since the end of October the station has had to temporarily go into mothballs. So Peter and I decided we wanted to carry on with our show, and have found that there are websites that host radio shows for free! It's taken a while to set up but with a bit of luck we may be ready to do our first 'independent' show next week! Yipeee! I've really missed it...looking forward to getting back behind the mike.

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