Friday 2 March 2012

The show must go on....!

Well the Belly Dance Spectacular is only 9 days away...and counting!
Although we've done this show annually for several years now, I still get nervous and excited about doing it....and there is such a buzz afterwards that it is all worth it! This time has been a little different and has meant more rehearsal time as I not only have Miramar in the show, but also Shuvani. The girls have all been fantastic and very professional in their approach, but it has meant more work for me. Because the two troupes are very experienced, confident and capable women , they are great at organising themselves and getting on with costumes etc with little help from me, but as artistic director I have to give constructive criticism, encouragement and guidance, and as director of the show I have to hold the vision of the whole production and how it needs to work. Suits a control freak like me down to the ground!! And as Miramar are now down to 6 (Jackie has had to bow out of the show due to an old back problem), I have to take part in more of their dances. I'm very happy to do that, but the unfortunate consequence is that my knees and also one ankle is starting to complain. One student asked if it was the dancing that had caused problems but I realised when I looked back that as a child I used to constantly fall over onto my knees and twist my ankles on a regular basis. I was a farmers daughter and tomboy to boot, plus very adventurous and bold, so I was often found climbing over, and under things, swinging on things and generally having a very physical and dangerous time! My parents were very strict about safety, but I didn't always understand why, so of course I just carried on if I thought I could get away with it....and now I am reaping the results!! I don't regret being  a bit of a wild child but it means that I have a few scars and weak spots, and they are now making themselves known! So, I mana ged to twist my ankle and knee a couple of weeks agao, and it seems that there is still a problem, so the lively drum-solo-type dance I had in mind to do for the show is probably off the menu. I must admit to not feeling too inspired by the idea anyway, but am instead looking for a good piece of music to instead dance a Sufi/Whirling kind of thingy, which could be slower and less technical. I know it all sounds a bit last minute, but I am the mother of invention and love to improvise so am confident it will be good enough on the day- providing the body holds up!
Would love to write more, but the strict little slave driver voice in the head is telling me I have work to do....gotta go!

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