Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Trials and Tribulations of Work......

Surprised to find how long it's been since my last blog! I've thought about doing it a number of times, but I've either been too busy or too fed up. Strange how things do seem to swing from one extreme to another...or is that just my bi-polar emotional state...or even my lack of control over my moods?! I know I can be a bit of a drama queen, but things have got quite bad recently. It's all about the money- again!
Although I'm valliantly trying to find gigs and jobs, and trying to find creative ways to earn a living, I'm still just not earning enough to keep body and soul together! Thank goodness Sid is earning a regular wage, or we would be in serious trouble. I'm trying to remain optimistic in the face of adversity and hope that some of my many ideas will come to fruition- no one can say I'm not trying hard! So....I have managed to get a jewellery workshop arranged with a local needlecraft shop, and a taster session for a women's group, a couple of stalls at craft fairs and an indulgence day, as well as stalls at 5 haflas between now and Xmas. That might seem like a lot, but the haflas and craft events are always a risk- like the other day when we took the stall to Witney, I only made enough to pay for the stall fee. I've also been given a sweet little digital camera by a wonderful, lovely friend, so I have now opened an online shop at Folksy to sell my jewellery. Am quite excited about this, despite the fact that I haven't sold anything yet...but give it time. Once I have advertised it at a few haflas and by email, everything will be flying off the shelves! And, I can add onto the site anything I have made, so it has the potential for selling photographs, cards, fascinators, or even costumes.
I've also drafted an introductory letter and made a promotional flier to send to local restaurants and hotels to advertise myself as a solo performer. I know I'm not a sylph-like youngster any more (not that I ever was, really!), but I'm hoping that I look good enough in the pics to attract some interest. I do have lots of experience and chutzpah, too! And when I say interest, I mean professionally- and to earn some dosh! It might be a bit late for some Xmas events, but it might also be something people might consider for January when they want to pep up trade.
I've also been given the opportunity to do a talk-cum-workshop exploring my dance-as-healing interest- well, I confess it's going to be the next Alternative Show Talk! I have to say that I hadn't considered doing one at all, but Peter somehow talked me into it! But heigh-ho, if I ask the Universe for opportunities, I gotta seize them when they come along!
So, despite the difficulties there are lots of things happenning, which helps to stop me plunging into despair. If I feel as if I am beavering away purposefully then that's much better than slumping into a depressed heap. Being self employed is all about being self motivated, and although I get energised by even modest successes, I easily de-motivated when everything goes quiet.
Anyway, with enough irons in the fire, some things will work out- preferably the best paid ones!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Dance, Healing and Reiki.

Well my half term break turned into a Tax Return sprint! As usual, I'd left most of it to the last minute so had to devote some very intense effort to it! As I don't (yet!) earn huge amounts of money and don't have an Cayman Island bank account or a private island/jet/yacht I am allowed to do a short tax return which is a great relief. So all they need from me is earnings, expenses and the profit or loss- 3 line accounts I think it's called. But behind those 3 figures are a huge amount of collating information-and a bit of detective work! Surprised myself by getting it finished by Thursday so very pleased and relieved.
Did very little in the way of dance or movement over the holiday, but I did have a taster workshop arranged (no one turned up!), and a little informal performance at a friends birthday party. But it's back into the swing of things this week, and the renewed activity has got me all fired up about my idea of combining belly dance moves with healing exercises and practice. I know I'm not the first to think of this idea(!!), but there aren't many people around doing it, so I'm hoping this might prove to be a relatively untapped niche. It would also necessitate a different way of working- rather like my clowning days, where I would expect to do workshops, demonstrations and taster sessions rather than regular classes. This doesn't mean I am giving up on the classes as I still love meeting my lovely ladies every week, but as the classes have dwindled down to 4 I do have  a bit more time for other gigs and bookings. I still am considering promoting myself for other dance related activities, like solo performances, hen nights and talks etc, and I'd still like to develop my jewellery stuff, too.
I have been getting more interested in using Reiki more as well. I have been treating a dear friend for cancer recently, and was delighted to find that the growth had completely dissappeared! The medical profession will no doubt claim it's all down to their radio and chemo therapy, but I'm convinced that Reiki played a big part in this. There are some other complications, though, so I have been working on these too. Will be very interesting to see what happenns- but particularly as it would be fantastic to see her back in good health again- and cancer free! But giving someone Reiki regularly has re-ignited my interest in energy and healing again. I never really forgot about it, but now it feels like a good time to do some research and experimentation. Have been looking into other forms of healing dance, and healing exercise such as Qi Gong, and I'm finding that belly dance seems to blend very well with these fluid oriental movements. My clown training utilised lots of Tai Chi principles, so it doesn't fell like a big step to fuse belly dance and chinese exercise together or create something inspired by both disciplines somehow! I am interested in also including stuff about the chakras, as well as working with symbolic shapes.
And the Universe is giving me lots of opportunities for discovery.....I recently began to get dizzy spells. Have had this before, and one of my students (who is a nurse) reckoned it was low blood pressure. But as the symptoms started to get worse I suddenly had the thought that it might be something to do with the inner ear. So I Reiki-ed my ears. After a day or so my symptoms have lessenned and I've just done some more healing on myself today. Will be very interested in seeing how it all pans out.
The job situation has not improved.Thought I might have had an interview for one job last week, but as it has not been forthcoming so far I need to get on with planning and organising my own gigs and bookings. I can't hold all my weekends free indefinitely for something that might happenn- need to get into planning mode again and start earning some more money!