Friday 26 November 2010

New Girl on the Blog!

Well I'm not exactly a virgin blogger having cut my teeeth on MySpace, but am new to here...and it's feeling a bit like the first day at school, with so many new things, instructions, and ways of doing it! Phew!
Anyway, to introduce myself...I am a Belly Dance teacher and performer, occaisional radio presenter, and lover of all things purple. I've had a rather eclectic career path jumping around from theatre to having my own business, dabbling in carework, training to be a clown and now, Belly Dancing. I guess part of the reason for all this moving around is that I believe in synchronicity and the more esoteric explanations of co-incidence, so I've made my career choices based mainly on what has presented itself, if I feel excited and inspired by it, and whether I can help other people at the same time. But I do admit to having a life long fascination and flirtation with theatre, so I always seem to gravitate around performance and staging theatrical events. And I've always LOVED to dance! Although I once thought acting was for me, I quickly realised that I struggled to remember lines, and spent many nights having 'worry dreams' about messing up one way or another, so discovering dance as a career was a great relief and delight...I didn't have to remember lines, and movement seemed so much easier to retain. I am.
As a teacher I teach regular classes around Stratford on Avon, and we are fast approaching the end of term, and the Christmas Hafla. For the uninitiated, a hafla is a Middle Eastern dance party/performance, which can take a variety of forms. I hold two a year, for my students to show off what they've learnt, and see other dancers perform, and of course there is plenty of eating, drinking, chatting..and a bit of shopping, too. Usually other local teachers come along with their students, and we all have a jolly nice time! Unfortunately our guest dancer has had to suddenly go into hospital so I have to hurriedly juggle the performance schedule around, but as we originally had 18 acts lined up, it might be better for  a few gaps, anyway. But when creating a programme I have to consider what style or type of dance, alternate groups with duos and soloists, if someone in more than one dance has time to change, and also the various requests for later/earlier slots, plus fitting in three intervals and a raffle. Sometimes it doesn't get finalised until the day before, but hey ho C'est La Vie...imrpovisation is my middle name!
Right, think that's enough for now...gotta go do some WORK now! 

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